Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm off to Rajasthan again tomorrow morning early, until Thursday. I'm hoping to get a lot done (12 interviews?), but I also know that it is supposed to be 109 degrees at least one of the days I''ll be there. Because of the food issue I went to the store today and tried to come up with some ideas for things that I can make without a kitchen of any kind and in a funky hotel room that is bound to be rather hot. I think it should be alright. Breakfast is the main problem, since there are no real restaurants open at 7am when we head out to the villages, and I think I have that settled with cereal, fruit and boxed milk. We'll see. I'm not feeling 100% after the stomach infection, but I'm planning to be really careful and to take it easy. I'm thinking we'll start each morning at 7 and try to be back by 1130am or so. Wish me luck!

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